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Planetarium is all over the

Planetarium is all over the Supreme Court debate like Kirstie Alley on a shitty "fat-chick" pun. The way that the Court has evolved from a "settling issues" machine to a weird, kinda fucked-up political tool that you can crank one way or the other is strange enough, but the fact that we're getting articles like today's (in the NYT) Bush Urges Civility in Debate Over Supreme Court Vacancy is yet more evidence that the media left Planet Sanity years ago, never to return. Does ANYBODY think he tells the truth any more? Anyone, anywhere? As was made clear in this blog looooonnnng ago, we all know that they have a "do-the-opposite-of-what-they-say" policy firmly in effect, and that assuming anything less than 100% bullshit is shooting out of their mouths, much like a rabid squirrel, is ludicrous. But damn, this debate is SO interesting, the whole swing vote retiring thing brings out the beltway wonk in us. More reason to stay away from D.C.- we'd turn evil WAAAAAY too quickly.

And Sarah Vowell's editorial from today is pretty funny, and vaguely related. Though it really doesn't say anything, at all. Much like This American Life in general, hey?

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