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Sometimes this shit baffles us.

By now you've seen the advertisements for Domino, the new Tony Scott film starring Keira Knightly as the real-life bounty hunter Domino Harvey. So what's with the complete bi-polar breakdown every critic in America seems to be having over this movie? It's confusing us! In this situation, the reader gets confused because on the one hand, it's this totally fucking amazing movie where Kiera Knightley is badass and tough as nails. On the other hand we have the view that she is a nothing actress and everything she does in this movie is fake and devoid of anything one would call emotion. These critics should seriously sit down and discuss why they feel this way because we find it interesting and confusing at the same time. Planetarium tends to think that a bad performance is a bad performance. After all, nobody denies that Gregory Peck in To Kill A Mockingbird is anything less than amazing. And everyone can agree that Tara Reid in Alone In The Dark is absolutely cancer inducing. So what the fuck- sit each other down and have it out as to why you think this way and have a fucking good old fashioned argument because seriously! Do we go see it or not?!?!

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