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Who's Been On Vacation???

WE'VE been on vacation!!!
That's right, folks, Planetarium staffers have been relaxing in the Floridian sun, getting nicely tanned, eating some fantastic fish, and playing some serious mini-golf. Hot times, summer in the city. But now we're back, and it's time to get down to business:
The Devil Wears Prada: Fun fun fun. Utterly predictable, wildly trite, and probably as shallow as they come, but MAN was it pretty to look at. And Meryl Streep may be dumb as shit in real life, but she can act circles around almost anyone. For a great Streep double feature we recommend watching this back-to-back with A Prairie Home Companion. She is fantastic.
Pirates 2: Electric Boogaloo: For the first half-hour, we sat there thinking, "Man. This blows." Seriously, one of the worst intros to a film we can think of in recent memory. Once it finally gets going, it's fairly entertaining, but what a letdown after the majesty of the first one. It's at its best when it's light-hearted and cartoony, and the action set pieces approach the giddy goodness of the Indiana Jones movies. Less pompous "dark" storyline, more swordfighting while on a giant spinning wheel.
Lady In the Water: Okay, we admittedly are predisposed to like a movie when everyone in the universe seems to be going out of their way to take a shit on it, but we actually enjoyed this film. It's a fucking children's fairy tale, so stop whining about how unreal it is and wake up to the fact that stupid critics are demanding a more realistic and coherent story from a FUCKING FAIRY TALE. Paul Giamatti is good, Bryce Dallas Howard is cute, and it's a fun little movie. It's weird to be playing defense for M. Night Shyamalan, and yet here we are.

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