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January 28, 2004


Okay, so Planetarium has to eat a little crow today by accepting that Kerry won New Hampshire, which we predicted Dean would take. Oh well- those nutty Hampshirians always defy expectation. Of course, they defy it especially when you've got thousands of Republicans voting in the primary for the candidates they think have the least shot. Does this include Kerry? We're not sure.

What we DO know for sure is that Planetarium has just moved, and is still waiting for Comcast (did you know they have a monopoly? We're not allowed any other cable internet provider) to install the information superhighway at our world headquarters. Hence the pause between posts, which will most certainly be made up for as soon as we're back to full strength.

January 21, 2004

ha ha ha.

Planetarium loves being right. And clearly, we were never more right than when we predicted, WAAAAAYYYY back in October, that John Kerry was a bigger contender than anybody thought at the time. That he was pretty electable, despite being generally fairly crappy as a progressive of any sort. That he would take at least a primary or two.

Damn, we're good.

Of course, having now said that, Planetarium is going to continue it's contrarian winning streak by pointing out that, right as everybody is jumping on the kerry-or-edwards bandwagon, Dean and Clark are going to start making some very powerful showings. Why? We're glad you asked:

First, a sound tweak of the nose is in order for all of those blind-to-reality Dean supporters, who think he's God's gift to the Democratic party, or at least some sort of progressive, which is kind of a joke. But more importantly, a sense of shock at the johnny-come-latelys who all switched their tunes about Dean in the last four days, as it looked like he might not win, because he was- gasp!- a little unpredictable and volatile. Some of Planetarium's very good friends, people who were very excited about Dean, who even gave him money, are suddenly saying they don't think he's electable. That's Democrats for you: as soon as something rocks their boat the teensiest bit, they run for the safest, boringest, most stolid thing they can grab on to. Read: Kerry or Edwards.

SO- let Planetarium explain something (you'll forgive the unusual, slightly arrogant tone in our voice today, we're still flush with satisfaction at being right): Dean is still a contender. In a BIG way. Why? He has the most money. Clark is second in that respect, which is why he too is a contender. Everyone seems to forget that usually, the one with the most money wins. Mark our words: Kerry will lose New Hampshire. And when he does, watch all the change-with-the-winds folks start talking about how maybe Dean has a chance after all.

January 19, 2004

Ice Ice baby

Something about the cold. If you live in a climate where it is regular below the freezing point, you know what Planetarium is talking about. If you don't, then shut your trap. Something about the cold makes you simultaneously more alive and more depressed and quiet. You toughen up, your body preps you for the temperature, but at the same time you lose some of your will to live. Allin all, it's probably a good thing. Planetarium has always argued that people who live in cold, hostile climates tend to be smarter than people who live in warm climates near the beach. Why? We're glad you asked.

If you live in a cold weather area, then during the winter, you spend your time indoors, alone, reading, talking, using your mind. If you live in a hot climate, you do what any sane person does, which is hit the beach as often as you can. It kills your brain, it defeats your desire to grow as a person, and you end up stupider than you might otherwise be. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Indeed, your life might be all the happier for it. But you know, don't get into any big debates or anything. The old writers agree with us. Get used to it.

None of which destroys Planetarium's desire to have a winter home in the Tropics.

January 15, 2004

Funky Cold Muh-Dean-ah

So, Planetarium watched some good ol' fashioned Fox News last night, and it discovered something somewhat interesting: The Right Wing, for some bizarre reason, seems absolutely terrified of Howard Dean. God knows why, IMHO. Perhaps Dean has some sort of secret magic powers that Planetarium's not aware of. But to hear Fox News tell it, Dean is an agent of Al-Qaeda who needs to be taken out by any of the other candidates, who may not be smart or good, but are at least "honest Americans".

Daily kos has some interesting analysis of the weird breakaway into a four-way race in Iowa. Particularly, he notes that Edwards has spiked in popularity right about the time he stopped doing his southern-boy routine and started mimicking Dean's whole "I want to empower you" shtick. It's odd that they've decided to pull this "anyone's game" routine at this point, but it's clear why the media's pushing it so hard:

It gives them the power to anoint the candidate.

January 14, 2004

The brits win

So, yeah. Go see it. Amazing. Great. Like a tone poem. Only better.

Or, right. The name. Planetarium is still dumbfounded. Uhhh....

Right. The name of the movie.

Like staring at into a kaleidoscope at age three.

It's called, ah.......oh yeah.

Morvern Callar.

Planetarium's word on it.

January 08, 2004

Bashing into evil

Well, I think most of the finalists for the "Bush in 30 Seconds" campaign by MoveOn.org are pretty awesome. I was too intimated to check it out when there were still thousands of entries, but now they've whittled it down to a very manageable fifteen. GO vote on your favorite.

Oh, and btw, it's getting pretty nasty already. Salon has a great piece about what the Republicans strategy will be: Paint Dems as soft on Saddam and Osama, and accuse them of using dirty smear tactics that you yourself are actually employing. Well, duh.

January 06, 2004

Burning Spears

Okay, it's time to defend those who have been unnecessarily wronged. And today, everybody's favorite wannabe diva, Britney Spears, is busy getting her drunken marriage annulled, so we here at Planetarium thought we'd do the charitable thing and evxplain why her new album is really good, and the hipster critics are wrong.
Every single uber-pretentious, too cool for school music critic from Village Voice to Spin to Skyscraper has just torn Britney's new record, In the Zone, a new asshole. A typical example would be Minneapolis' CityPages, in which a certain Matthew Wilder uses his review of In the Zone as an excuse to make all sorts of obnoxious comments, most of which seem to center around the fact that he is smarter than most critics. The fuckin' irony here is that, just like every other faux-review, Wilder emphasizes repeatedly how he just wants to focus on the music, and whether it's any good. Unfortunately, aside from a comment about how Wilder doesn't think there is a strong single on the album (a debatable point), the man proceeds to completely ignore the music. No, wait- he does worse. He specifically identifies the fact that having the best producers money can buy is a really good thing- then contradicts his own point in his quest to say that the record sucks.
This seems to be the achilles' heel of every single review Planetarium has read. The Gods of Cred have decided that this album is poo-poo, and all good critics must fall in line. Normally, this is in the form of praise (Planetarium dares you to find a bad Yeah Yeah Yeahs review), but when everybody joins in for a good ol' fashioned dogpile on the diva, well, your roots are showing, folks. The fact is, Britney's record is just dandy. Better than dandy. If Wilder et. al would stop and notice the details, they would see they aren't wrong when they talk about the best producers money can buy. And those producers have crafted a damn fine modern dance-pop record, just like they were paid inordinate amounts of money to do.
All the hip kids love to paint Britney as an empty palette, a blank slate, soulless, on which any image can be crafted and remade to fit the target market mold. If that were true, don't you think Britney'd be a wee bit more popular at the moment? The truth is, Britney is getting dumped on so hard because she ISN'T being restrained enough. If her imagemakers had their way, she be smiling and sexy a lot more of the time, and putting her foot in her mouth a lot less of the time. This is not to be a defense of Britney the person, who may very well suck, but when you see review after review of supposedly independent people saying the same thing (and not just something like "War is bad!", but a convoluted theoretical argument on why you're not allowed to like a pop star any more), hey, something's rotten in Denmark.
So give it a chance. Hell, Planetarium will even burn you a copy. We at the head office have ben shaking our asses to "Toxic" for days.

Tomorrow: back to throwing up our hands in despair at the upcoming Democratic caucas.

January 03, 2004

technical difficulties, please stand by

apologies, but due to unusually high traffic flow, Planetarium has been down for a couple of days, as you've probably noticed. Fear not, by tomorrow all should be well. Email your computer disaster stories to Planetarium, and maybe we'll post the good ones.